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Sedimentation tanks

Sump for conveyor and washing water Ш1- П1700.РЭ

The vertical settler for purification of conveyor and washing waters is used in sugar factories to separate tops, roots, solid impurities and suspended particles of earth from conveyor and washing water in order to reduce the amount of excess water with removed sediment.

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Characteristic Ш1-П1700.РЭ
Sump productivity with 10% beet contamination:
- on beets, t.w./day
- for conveyor and washing water, m³/day

Clarified water outlet, m³440
The output of a mixture of sediment and water, m³85
Sludge moisture content, %94
Water velocity in the central pipe of the sump, mm/s30
Overall dimensions, mm13586×11720×16810